Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Gods and Generals

To date this is the fourth book by Jeff Shaara that I have read.  Before this book I read both of his Revolutionary War books and Gone for Soldiers which is about the American-Mexican war.

I realize that this is the first book of this type that he wrote however, I find that it has the same strengths and weaknesses of his other books.  In my opinion Jeff Shaara is an excellent writer when it comes to character development and political fiction however, he lacks quality when writing about battles and attacks which is unfortunate as much of this book revolves around the beginning battles of the Civil War.

His descriptions of Colonial Chamberlain, General Hancock, General Lee, and Jackson truly take the readers into the minds of leaders during the civil war.  At the same time it is hard to grasp the actuality's of war in 350 pages.

Despite the books weaknesses I would recommend this book to anyone who has an interest in Historical Fiction and the Civil War.