Saturday, August 7, 2010

The Sorcerer's Apprentice

We decided to use the french poster, don't worry, the movie is in English too.
Everybody loves Fantasia (the first one, the only one worth mentioning mostly).  So when disney comes out with a movie called "The Sorcerer's Apprentice" I guess we might expect something similar to what they did with the movie/ride of Pirates of the Caribbean.  Sort of like putting in real people instead of Mickey Mouse and a scary Sorcerer right?  Well that is pretty much what they did, but with a happy ending.

Its a nice sort of family film, if you family doesn't mind a few bad guys getting killed by plasma, burning up, having a dragon fall on them, or the life force sucked out of them (ok, they might just be sleeping, and its not really too graphic or anything, besides the intro with the sword sticking out of poor Merlin).  Some have pointed out the similarities to National Treasure: same director, Nicholas Cage, action, a nice story, bad guys, people running around, artifacts, etc...  While true, Mr. Cage does a surprisingly good job in this one, and fits his role.

It's the cast!
The movie does have a nice tribute to the original Sorcerer's Apprentice short on Fantasia that was very well done, as well as several references to movies and some sorcerer lore (sort of like National Treasure and history, again).  They did do a nice job showing that Sorcerers like to be clever and use tricks and the like, instead of just brute force.  Besides, who doesn't like seeing the ol' Persia quick sand rug trick?

So its a nice clean film, a nice job on Disney's part, not putting in lots of the inappropriate jokes some other companies like to throw in trying to get it over the kids heads. Oh, and be sure to stay after the credits to watch a little special bit too.

In closing "We don't speak dutch" -Jay

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