Saturday, January 8, 2011

The CR-48

Well Good has officially sent out their beta computers for the new Google OS, as such we are giving you a first look at the CR-48 and the Chrome OS. to start out with lets talk about all the good stuff that is involved with the CR-48

first off is the amazing redesigned keyboard. yes it is still a qwerty keyboard but the hot keys are changed a lot to make it easier to use, I mean truly why didn't someone come out before with a keyboard so nice and easy to use.

another plus is the OS itself, imagine having an operating system that is a web browser, well now you can with Chrome OS! with its easy to use new layout you can now use Chrome OS and have the settings carry over to all your other computers with the chrome browser.

lastly we come to the Nicest thing of all. the OS starts up instantly, no more waiting for 5 minutes to just surf the web just open the notebook and it starts up instantly and you can be online in 30 seconds.

along with the good stuff the cr-48 isn't perfect, I have found two major flaws in the computer. the first and biggest is the touch pad. while there is nothing new about touch pads with no buttons. the cr-48 touch pad is very quirky and annoying I can't explain just how annoying it is, so you will just have to see for yourself.

the other weakness in the computer is the speed of flash. while it works excellent for watching full episodes of the original Star Trek it lags in a major way when playing many online games.

all in all for an unexpected package from Google the cr-48 is a wonderful and useful machine and when it goes retail I would recommend Chrome OS for all my friends on a netbook computer.

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